
Showing posts from September, 2017


DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? Be smart online Using your device for educational purposes only while in school Don't be a cyber bully and shut it down when you see it don't give out your passwords Use tools to help you and to your advantage (i.e. TurnItIn, Remind, etc.) Avoid inappropriate websites Listen to your GUT Keep your private info to yourself Be SAFE Why do you need to know? Your digital footprint can determine your future. One wrong move, one breach of safety, one inappropriate could be out of a job, education opportunity, or social relationship.  Be Careful! Using your devices in the right way can lead to a bright future for you! ACTION STEPS: create secure passwords/update your passwords remove inappropriate pictures/comments from your profiles keep your private info to yourself (home address, birthday, etc.) Listen to our weekly podcast on internet safety called Internet Citizenship and YOU! Reference


MY DIGITAL FOOTPRINT WHAT IS IT??? Your online presence in all formats The trail of data you create while using the internet. Information that can be traced back to you. Your online network for information and relationships. Your online social network. EXAMPLES??? your Facebook profile Instagram! snapchat photos you take/photos posted of you comments you leave on others' posts/videos passwords any account you create online banking youtube your search history your built in microphones and cameras all apps you ever use anything you purchase ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU EVER DO ONLINE We're not trying to scare you...but you need to be aware of what exactly your digital footprint is. It can benefit you in numerous ways, but can also affect your future. Make the right choices online! ACTION STEPS TO TAKE: be conscious of what you post come to our Digital Footprint extravaganza this Friday to learn more about your internet trail. follow TechKi


DIGITAL AWARENESS Things you need to know! knowledge of how to use the internet wisely. understanding that what you say/do on the internet. can be traced back to you technology is a tool, use it wisely! knowledge of technology and how to use it. Purpose/Why do you need to know about this? safety how to protect yourself advantages of using the internet wisely--the internet can be your friend if you use it in the right way! Learn more by... Come to our info session on "Digital Awareness 101" on September 34th, 2025! Ask Ms. Booth, Ms. Diaz, Ms. Wentzel, and Mr. Allen if you need any advice on how to use your technology wisely! References:  Wang, K. Digital awareness as an aspect of digital literacy. University of Exeter . Retrieved from Image from: